Financial Policy

Dr. Laugle has decided to invest more in direct patient care and is currently an out-of-network provider. Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept cash, personal checks, Mastercard and Visa.

Most insurance companies cover only spinal manipulation and select adjunct therapies for acute or medically necessary cases. While that’s a very valuable service, Dr. Loriann’s specialty is whole being wellness, which is not covered by insurance.

  • If your condition qualifies and based on your insurance policy, you may be eligible for out-of-network reimbursement. You may call to verify your health insurance benefits using our >Health Insurance Verification Form<. The benefits quoted to you by your insurance company are not a guarantee of payment.
  • We do not directly bill insurance for services provided. We will however provide you with a receipt/superbill that includes diagnosis codes to assist you with possible insurance reimbursement. Insurance policies are an agreement between the policy-holder and the carrier– any and all insurance questions should be directed to the appropriate party.
  • > Instructions for how to submit your appointment information to the insurance company <

We absolutely understand financial hardships and are willing to work with patients who are dedicated and invested in themselves to make positive changes to reach their health goals.  If you are concerned with the financial investment and are interested in our wellness center, please discuss with us. Wellness care plans and family wellness plans available upon request.

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